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Understand the Past

Understand the Past – Key Stage 2 at Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre

KS2 Activities based on geography, history or science

Fossils and Bones

Bring historical enquiry alive by examining some amazing specimens including a mammoth and fossilised sea creatures. Learn how to interpret the past through the evidence presented by these remains and create your own ‘instant’ fossil to take home with you.

Curriculum Links: History, Science – Rocks, Animals including humans Yr3
Availability: All year round
Maximum group size: 70
Price: See standard prices below

Fantastic Fossils

An Outreach Workshop – Bringing discovery to you!

Make your own fossil and look at evidence of life from the distant past.

Curriculum Links: History, Science—Rocks Yr3
1½ hr workshop suitable for groups of up to 30 children from lower KS 2
Cost: £121 + VAT, additional workshops on the same day £60.60 + VAT

Fossils and Change

An Outreach Workshop – Bringing discovery to you!

Discovery what fossils can reveal about the ancient landscape and why it changes, learn how fossils are make and make your own fossil.

Curriculum Links: History, Science – Evolution and inheritance
1½ hr workshop suitable for groups of up to 30 children from upper KS 2
Cost: £121 + VAT, additional workshops on the same day £60.50 + VAT

Archaeology-looking at the evidence

Try your hand investigating actual and photographed remains from four different  periods of time: modern, with garbology; Victorian; Iron Age, making use of our partial Iron Age round house and then either the Jurassic or the Silurian.

Curriculum Linds: History, Science
Maximum group size: 35
Availability: All year
Cost: see standard prices below

Archaeology-examining the past

An Outreach Workshop – Bringing discovery to you!

Have your class try their hand investigating actual and photographed remains from four different periods of time: modern, Victorian, Iron Age and Jurassic.

Curriculum Links: History, Science
1¾ hr workshop suitable for groups of up to 30 children
Availability: All months except June and July
Cost: £121 + VAT, additional workshops on the same day £60.50 + VAT

Stone Age Britain

View the world through the eyes of a Stone Age person while preparing to hunt a mammoth. Examine artefacts of mammoth proportions and learn how to interpret the past using this evidence.

Curriculum Links: History
Availability: All year round
Maximum group size: 70
Price: See standard prices below

Hands on the Stone Age

An Outreach Workshop – Bringing discovery to you!

Find out about changes across the Stone Age and then return to that era by using sensory stimuli. Become a Stone Age child and experience for yourself some of the activities they would have done whilst preparing to hunt.

Curriculum Link: History
1½ hr workshop suitable for groups of up to 30 children
Cost: £121 + VAT, additional workshops on the same day £60.50 + VAT

Experiencing the Iron Age

Bring the Iron Age alive for your pupils! Experience what life was like for Iron Age children through hands-on activities, a tour around our replica roundhouse and a guided walk up to a local hill fort.

Curriculum Links: History
Availability: March to November, all year without visit to the hillfort
Maximum group size: 70
Price: £138 + VAT for all groups up to 35, £276 + VAT for groups of 36-70

Hands-on the Iron Age

An Outreach Workshop – Bringing discovery to you!

Become an Iron Age child and experience for yourself some of the activities they would have done: prepare wool for weaving, use a sling shot, paint your face with woad, make a coil pot and grind wheat.

Curriculum Link: History
1½ hr workshop suitable for groups of up to 30 children
Cost: £121 + VAT, additional workshops on the same day £60.50 + VAT

Stone Age and Iron Age Activities

View the world through the eyes of a Stone Age person while preparing for the hunt and discover whether the Shropshire mammoth was killed by humans. Experience what life was like for Iron Age children through hands-on activities and a tour around our replica roundhouse.

Curriculum Links: History
Availability: all year
Maximum group size: 70
Cost: see charges

Remarkable Romans

Visit Britannia. See if you are worthy of being a citizen - can you properly fold a toga? Do some math problems on a wax tablet. Have a smell of garum and a taste of a snack you would eat at the amphitheatre. Make gromas and use them to set out the beginnings of a straight Roman road.

Curriculum Links: History
Availability: All year 
Maximum group size: 70
Cost: See standard prices below

Home in the Viking Period

Become descendants of Danish settlers at a time when your menfolk would go 'a viking' during the early summer. With everyone on the farm, make flat bread and butter and do chores to assist the household. Take part in a Viking law court and some leisure activities. Discuss Viking visits to Shropshire during this period.

Curriculum Links: History
Availability: All year 
Maximum group size: 70
Cost: See standard prices below

Hands-on Viking Period

An Outreach Workshop – Bringing discovery to you!

Prepare a light noon meal and do some chores or take part in a Viking court and some leisure activities. Discuss Viking visits to Shropshire during this period.

Curriculum Links: History
1½ hr workshop suitable for groups of up to 30 children
Cost: £121 + VAT, additional workshops on the same day £60.50 + VAT

Anglo-Saxon Settlers

Take part in some Anglo-Saxon activities, doing intertwined carving on clay, making twine and sweet broad bean cakes and then in the afternoon see where you would put your new village in the meadows.

Curriculum Links: History and Geography
Availability: All year
Maximum group size: 70
Cost: See standard prices below

Hands-on Anglo-Saxon Settlers 

An Outreach Workshop – Bringing discovery to you!

Take part i some Anglo-Saxon activities, doing intertwined carving on clay, making twine and sweet broad bean cakes and then look at a map of the meadows to see where you would put your new village..

Curriculum Links: History and Geography
1½ hr workshop suitable for groups of up to 30 children
Cost: £121 + VAT, additional workshops on the same day £60.50 + VAT

Anglo-Saxon and Viking Activities

Take part in some Anglo-Saxon activities, doing intertwined carving on clay, making twine and sweet broad bean cakes and then help prepare a light noon meal and do chores to assist the household as descendants of Danish settlers.

Curriculum Links: History and Geography
Availability: All year
Maximum group size: 70
Cost: See standard prices below

Native American Life

Enjoy a variety of activities carried out by Native American tribes; make fibres into twine, put up a tepee, use a spear thrower and fire bow.  End the day by making dream catchers.

Curriculum Links: History, Geography
Maximum group size: 70
Availability: All year
Cost: £138 + VAT for all groups up to 35, £276 for groups of 36-70 + VAT

Hands-on Native Americans

An Outreach Workshop – Bringing discovery to you!

Enjoy a variety of activities carried out by Native American tribes; make fibres into twine, put up a tepee, use a spear thrower and fire bow. End the day by making dream catchers.

Curriculum Links: History, Geography
2 hr workshop suitable for groups of up to 30 children
Cost: £161 + VAT, additional workshops on the same day £110 + VAT

Bespoke Sessions

Don’t see exactly what you need? Ask us about designing a session for you, covering the parts of the curriculum you require.


The standard price structure for the led activities are:

£105 + VAT per group of up to 25 children
£138 + VAT per group of 26-35 (or one class, whichever is larger)
£210 + VAT per group of 36-50
£276 + VAT per group of 51-70


For more information, feel free to download our Education Brochure.

Education Brochure


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