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Bonfire Night

2,000 people joined us for our bonfire and fireworks this year.

Judging by the number of people streaming through the doors last Saturday, it felt as though most of our Members turned up for this event!

Since starting this event in 2017, we have seen it go from strength to strength and this year we wel-comed over 2000 visitors who were thrilled by our stunning fireworks which lit up the sky for miles around.

It was lovely to see so many local families coming together to take part in the event and with a fair-ground, side-stalls, music from Sunshine Radio, lots of food outlets and a bar provided by local compa-ny, Cider House, the evening was always set to go with a bang.

Peter and Sally from Titanium Fireworks worked their magic, putting on another stunning pyrotechnic display and impressing the huge crowds and we were also incredibly grateful to our two event spon-sors, Euro Quality Foundation and Hornsey Steel, whose support helped us meet the significant costs of staging such an event.

We hope that if you attended the event, you enjoyed it as much as we did and we look forward to wel-coming you again next year when we have plans to make the event even more exciting, so watch this space.